Made IT!

“Nurture Nature”
“Nature Calls”

My two pieces of art to make a gallery appearance for the first time in over 23 years! I was so excited to walk into the gallery to see them on display. Although they did not win any awards, it was a BIG WIN for me to be a part of the show!

((((I was surprised to see that the gallery decided to move my sculpture around to fit their space against a wall? I have NEVER had a sculpture displayed in front of wall? I spend ENDLESS hours on a 3 dimensional piece, and its in front of a wall? You  moved the pieces around on my ART WORK so that it would fit YOUR space? Hummmmmmmm. Not just my sculpture either, ALL 4 sculptures are located in the corner of the room? Seems that the hanging committee could use a few pointers on how to hang/display a PROFESSIONAL show? (end rant) )))

Both pieces of art will be on display until the end of October 2018, at the Mesquite Fine Arts Gallery, in Mesquite, NV, USA.

May “Nature Call” you outdoors today…….GO !



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